Bat Cave Moeciu - details and images

Bat Cave is situated in the village located at 5km from the village Cave Moeciu Church on the eastern slope of the hill in the north-west shelf Bran and at an altitude of 950 m.
The cave was formed as a result of erosion of the limestone mountain river valley one of the tributaries to the river path which today is temporary.
The name comes from cave to cave existence of numerous colonies of bats.

Also known as Big Cave or Cave Badichii Village Cave, the cave has been reported many centuries ago but has been explored and studied only at the end of last century of caving Caran Julius, who also made the first mark to the Bat Cave.
Bat Cave is easy to visit a cave, has a length of 370m of which 109m active gallery and a bump in the 10m.
Access to the cave is through a narrow passage and then reach a cave, not very large, floor upward. From here starts a gallery, to the north, which has a length of 15m, which ends with a chimney.

Cave is a cave warm with moderate humidity and is dotted with many limestone formations, with "tears of the earth" and the rooms have ceiling different colors.
The creek flows a cave full of water.
Although there is no need any special equipment, a flashlight is sufficient, you should have a protective gear to avoid dirt and traces of clay guarno (excrement of bats).

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