Esmahan Sultan Mosque - Mangalia - details and images

One of the most attractive sights of the southern coastline is mosque "Sultan Esmahan" Mangalia, the oldest Muslim place of worship in Romania. Mosque "Sultan Esmahan" was built in 1573 or the year after 931 Muslim calendar Hadjira in memory of one of the most important rulers of that time the Ottoman Empire, Selim II, by his daughter, Esma.

Girl Sultan Selim II (1566-1574) and wife of Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasha Sokollu-(1565-1579) took refuge in Mangalia in the sixteenth century and has succeeded in honor of his father, a historic monument and Muslim art in style maur.Cea oldest mosque is a graphical representation of watercolor painting, dating from 1828 and was conducted by the French traveler Hector Béarn.

The building is made of stone masons carved on site by Turkish craftsmen and has a thickness of 85 centimeters. Blocks of stone masonry was done without using any binder, but only cast steel clamps on the spot in holes made in stone. The same technology was used to raise the minaret.

Should also be noted that the construction of the mosque was used Callatis stone walls, while the ritual fountain, located in the courtyard of the mosque was built with stone from an ancient Roman tomb. The glass is surrounded by a Muslim cemetery, as valuable in its age, both culturally and spiritually, with the graves of over 300 years old.

Esmahan Sultan Mosque is at the entrance, a gallery of supporting poles fitted with oak roof, divided into four. Inside the mosque there's minber (pulpit) and mihrab to the imam's sermon (altar), the window blind or niche oriented Black Rock, the Ka `ba, Mecca. Göbek the ceiling with wood inlay is a great artistic achievement. A touch of originality to a given division by a low railing religious shrine located at the entrance of a space designed exclusively for women. Minaret is on the north side of the mosque. The minaret terrace can be reached via an internal staircase, spiral. Mosque has two rows of windows, which were lower than those of the quadrilateral, and the higher level broken arch. Porch with strasina with saciak, wooden pillars and railings also gives a special note cladirii.Moscheea Esmahan Sultan has a ritual fountain made from an old Roman tomb, surrounded by stars and tombstones in the cemetery.

Mosque and cemetery are to be registered in the list of Historic Monuments in Romania, being considered as important, class "A". The history of this mosque is linked to an interesting story of the famous Turkish Evlia Celebi, who, in 1452, when Dobrogea under Ottoman rule, he urged everyone to go to Mangalia: "... go to Mangalia, which is the Kaaba, Mecca and of poor exile. "

Since 1989, the mosque has been refurbished by the Municipality of Mangalia. A few years after the Revolution, Turkish tombs dating back over 300 years, and the mosque itself, have been refurbished and the courtyard was surrounded by a high fence. Rehabilitation of the mosque was supported by a Turkish businessman, work costs amounting to over one million euros.

Many believers come to ritual prayers and the imam's call is heard throughout the city: "Allah is great." Today, the mosque is open for visitors, one of the abode is always ready to welcome guests and make them their present history of the cult. In addition, visitors have access including the cemetery and can climb the minaret, from which they can admire the entire city.

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