Fire Tower - Bucharest - details and images

Story building in the knowledge of Bucharest as Fire Tower began in 1890. Two years before the tower was tusks, who served a long time as a point of observation. From its peak, without interruption and with great attention, was overseen Capital, both day and especially at night. From there, firefighters were alarmed in case of disaster. In the absence of old tower, the city was forced to build a tall building, to continue observing the city.

Also, the new tower would be equipped with a large pool, which would have to improve drinking water supply in the eastern part of town. The project has dealt himself the chief architect of the capital of that time, George Mandrea. On 28 February 1892, the reception committee was to establish completion of work, but also that of Grozavesti Water Plant pumps lacked the strength necessary to lift water basin off the immense height.

Thus, "well sinker" hired by the mayor nocturnii they took place, a kind of guard duties at night with fire.
Even after the last great war, the Fire Tower - as called from Bucharest "Fire Station no. 5" work in the tower - the height of 42 meters of his, and dominated the guarded capital.

Then, over time, was surpassed in height by more and more buildings, losing its main asset. And that beautiful tower was left unusable, Firefighter Command has decided to create a national museum here the fire. For many years they have gathered all the exhibits, the building was refurbished and on 16 September 1963, Tower has become a wonderful museum.

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