Valiug Resort - details and images

Văliug - Crivaia resort is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Banat Mountains. Built on the shores of Lake Gozna or Văliug, as the locals call it, the resort has developed in recent years, reaching young people from all over the country and from abroad.
The road to the resort is guarded by secular trees intertwined with young trees, whether you start from Reșița or Slatina Timiș.
Activities you can practice here: boating on Lake Gozna, hiking in nature, hiking to Lake Breazova. With an average effort you can climb to Piatra Goznei Peak (1447 m) and Semenic Peak (1146 m). Within two hours walking distance you can reach the Comarnic Cave, and another attraction of the area is the imposing Roman-Catholic church in Văliug, a historical monument, built in 1861.
The resort Văliug - Crivaia can be reached from:
Bucharest following the route: Bucharest - Craiova - Drobeta Turnu Severin - Reșița - Văliug
Timisoara following the route: Timisoara - Reșița - Văliug
Cluj-Napoca following the route: Cluj-Napoca –Sebeș - Hațeg - Caransebeș - Reșița - Văliug

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