Markets in Tuscany Region - landmarks

Offers Tuscany Region, Offers Italia

List of interesting landmarks in Tuscany Region

Piazza Salimbeni

Piazza Salimbeni

Tuscany Region, ItalyThree important buildings mark the piazza of Salimbeni, but the Palazzo Salimbeni is the most important, marking the headquarters of the Sienese bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena, founded more than 500 years ago.

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Piazza del Campo

Piazza Del Campo

Tuscany Region, ItalyAt the heart of Siena is the Piazza del Campo, famous for its shell-shape, and still the focus of city life

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Piazzale Michelangelo

Piazzale Michelangelo

Tuscany Region, ItalyPiazzale Michelangelo is a square built on top of a hill where you have panoramic views over the city of Florence.

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