Monasteries in Bucovina - landmarks

Offers Bucovina, Offers Romania

List of interesting landmarks in Bucovina

Putna Monastery

Putna Monastery

Bucovina, RomaniaPutna Monastery is an Orthodox monastic sanctuary, one of the most important cultural, religious and Romanian art. It was dubbed the "Jerusalem Romanian People" (M. Eminescu). The monastery is 33 km from the city of Radauti in northern Moldova.

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Voronet Monastery

Voronet Monastery

Bucovina, RomaniaVoronet Monastery was founded in September 1488 (3 months, 3 weeks ago) by Stefan the Great and is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr George.

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Sucevita Monastery

Sucevita Monastery

Bucovina, RomaniaBuilt four centuries ago, the royal command, as a fortress that can not penetrate the foot of the pagan, Sucevita Monastery, with its towers and walls, the church and hundreds of his paintings that cover the exterior walls, is one of the jewel Bukovina and Moldavian feudal arts summit

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Moldovita Monastery

Moldovita Monastery

Bucovina, RomaniaMonastery of Moldova is one of the oldest monastic settlements, with a strong historical background. Its origin is not precisely known, but tradition still recalls the time a Muşatini rulers. Under the reign of Alexander the Good was the first church built of stone, between 1402-1410 documented the entire set of constructs, having already been dedicated to the Annunciation and a cultural center.

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Sucevita Monastery

Sucevita Monastery

Bucovina, RomaniaLocated in the middle of a charming landscape with gentle slopes and forested mountains, known travelers who cross the lands of Bukovina, the valley of the river whose name it will borrow Sucevita monastery seems at first sight an imposing medieval fortress with high walls, with battlements and watch road, reinforced corners with strong defense towers.

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Humor Monastery

Humor Monastery

Bucovina, RomaniaThe church was built in 1530 by Toader Bubuioc steward and his wife, Anastasia. The monastery is built about 300 meters from the ruins of an old church whose construction has been done since the days of Alexander the Good, in 1400.

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Arbore Church

Arbore Church

Bucovina, RomaniaIn 1503 Luca Arbore - Goalkeeper of Suceava - elevates his church with his Lord in the village that today bears his name. Construction has begun on the second day of April and was completed in the same year, on August 29

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Dragomirna Monastery

Dragomirna Monastery

Bucovina, RomaniaDragomirna Monastery is a fortified monastery complex in Bukovina, built between 1602-1609 in Mitocu Dragomirnei village in the homonymous commune (currently in Suceava county) by Metropolitan Crimea Anastasia of Moldova. Dragomirna Monastery is located near the Dragomirna forest, at a distance of 12 km north of Suceava city. The church of Dragomirna Monastery has the dedication of Pogorarea Santo Spirito (celebrated on Sunday from 50 days after Easter).

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