Athos mountain - details and images

Mount Athos is a mountain (2,033 m) and a peninsula.
The Athos Mountain Peninsula has many monasteries:
-The Great Lavra Monastery: this holy Lavra monastery, was founded in 963 by the Athanasian hermitage in Trapezunda and with the help given by the Byzantine emperors, Nichifor Foca (963-959) and Tzimisca loan (969-973).
- The Vatoped monastery was built by the great Constatin in gratitude as the Virgin Mary saved her son Ascadie from drowning. In 379-395, it was restored by Emperor Theodosius the Great, in 860 it was again predated by the Syrian Bedouins. At that time the monastery was inhabited by 300 monks.
-The Iviron Monastery: was built in 980 by Ioan Iviritul from the Caucasus province, friend of Saint Athanasius the Great. The monastery was inhabited by approx. 200 monks. Mihai Viteazul's face is painted on one of the walls.
- Hilandar Monastery: was built by Vlădica Sârbesc, Stefan Nemanici in 1151-1195. At this monastery there are two miracle-making icons: the Trirucita (it means 3 hands because under the hands of the Virgin Mary is painted and the hand of Saint John of Damascus). There are still holy tombs of the different saints.
-Dioniisu Monastery this monastery was built by St. Dionysius of Corita in 1389.
- The Cutlumus monastery was erected by Alexe Comneanu, the emperor of Byzantium, and the monk Calist Cotlomuseanu and a devout Arab from whom his name is drawn.
- The Monastery of Pantacrator, Xiropotamu, Zografu, Dochiaru, Caracalu, Filoteu, Simonos Petra, SF.Pavel, Stavronikita, Xenofront, Grigoriu, Esfigmenu, SF. Pantelimon, Constamonitu.

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