Landmarks in Greece | Attractions in Greece

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List of interesting landmarks in Greece

Acropolis of Athens

Acropolis Of Athens

Greece, GreeceThe largest sanctuary of the ancient Athena, dedicated primarily to its patron goddess Athena, dominates the modern city center of the rocky network, known as the Acropolis.

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Herod Atticus Odeon

Herod Atticus Odeon

Greece, GreeceCelebrul Odeon al lui Herod Atticus domină sfârșitul vestic pe panta sudică a Acropolei. A fost al treilea Odeon construit în vechea Atena după Odeonul Pericles pe panta sudică (secolul al V-lea) și Odeonul Agrippa din vechea Agora (15 î.Hr.). Construcția monumentului din secolul al II-lea a fost sponsorizată de Tiberius Claudius Herod Atticus, descendenți ai unei importante familii ateniene și un binefăcător; el a acționat astfel în amintirea soției sale Regilla, care a murit în anul 160 d.Hr. Data exactă a construcției nu este cunoscută, dar a fost construită cu siguranță cândva după moartea lui Regilla și 174 d.Hr., când călătorul și geograful Pausanias a vizitat Atena și sa referit la monument cu mare admirație. The famous Herod Atticus Odeon dominates the western end on the south slope of the Acropolis. It was the third Odeon constructed in ancient Athens after the Pericles Odeon on the south slope (fifth century) and the Agrippa's Odeon in the ancient Agora (15 BC). The construction of the monument during the second century AD was sponsored by Tiberius Claudius Herod Atticus, renowned offspring of an important Athenian family and a benefactor; he thus acted in remembrance of his wife Regilla, who died in 160 AD. The exact date of construction is unknown, but it was certainly built sometime after Regilla's death and 174 AD, when the traveller and geographer Pausanias visited Athens and referred to the monument in great admiration.

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Greece, Greece Mycenae 'Rich in Gold', the kingdom of mythical Agamemnon, first sung by Homer in his epics, is the most important and richest palatial centre of the Late Bronze Age in Greece. Its name was given to one of the greatest civilizations of Greek prehistory, the Mycenaean civilization, while the myths related to its history have inspired poets and writers over many centuries, from the Homeric epics and the great tragedies of the Classical period to contemporary literary and artistic creation.

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Greece, GreeceThe Parthenon, dedicated by the Athenians to Athena Parthenos, the patron of their city, is the most magnificent creation of Athenian democracy at the height of its power. It is also the finest monument on the Acropolis in terms of both conception and execution. Built between 447 and 438 BC, as part of the greater Periklean building project, this so-called Periklean Parthenon (Parthenon III) replaced an earlier marble temple (Parthenon II), begun after the victory at the battle of Marathon at approximately 490 BC and destroyed by the Persians in 480 BC. This temple had replaced the very first Parthenon (Parthenon I) of c. 570 BC. The Periklean Parthenon was designed by architects Iktinos and Kallikrates, while the sculptor Pheidias supervised the entire building program and conceived the temple's sculptural decoration and chryselephantine statue of Athena.

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National Archaeological Museum

National Archaeological Museum

Greece, GreeceThe National Archaeological Museum is the largest museum in Greece and one of the world's great museums. Although its original purpose was to secure all the finds from the nineteenth century excavations in and around Athens, it gradually became the central National Archaeological Museum and was enriched with finds from all over Greece. Its abundant collections, with more than 20,000 exhibits, provide a panorama of Greek civilization from the beginnings of Prehistory to Late Antiquity.

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The Herakleion Archaeological Museum

The Herakleion Archaeological Museum

Greece, Greece The Herakleion Archaeological Museum is one of the largest and most important museums in Greece, and among the most important museums in Europe. It houses representative artefacts from all the periods of Cretan prehistory and history, covering a chronological span of over 5,500 years from the Neolithic period to Roman times. The singularly important Minoan collection contains unique examples of Minoan art, many of them true masterpieces. The Herakleion Museum is rightly considered as the museum of Minoan culture par excellence worldwide.

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