Resorts and cities in Malta

Resorts and cities in Malta where you can find offers in our portal.

Cities in Mellieha region



Mellieha ([məli hə ː] or il-Mellieha) is a large village (7221 inhabitants in December 2008) located in the north-west of Malta. Total area is 22.6 square kilometers. Mellieha is one of the most picturesque destinations in Malta. The city center boasts splendid hotels, fine restaurants and traditional cute shops. This is a popular tourist destination during the summer months. Mellieha is a village that has developed under British colonization.



Ċirkewwa is a harbour situated on a point at the nothernmost part of Malta.Ċirkewwa is one of the most visited scuba diving sites on the Maltese Islands. It has underwater cliffs, caves, tunnels and an arch down to the seabed at 27m. A short swim away is the wreck of the MV Rozi, an old tugboat sunk intentionally as an attraction for tourists aboard a tourist submarine that worked the area in the early 1990s.

Cities in St. Paul Bay region



Qawra is a city in Malta. It is located northeast of the island of Malta, and with it forms a part of Bugibba St. Paul's Bay. It is popular among tourists and is home to a number of hotels and restaurants. Although there is no beach, many people swim and bathe near the rocks, which offers ample space for sun bathing. It is popular with tourists who like to go to sea at night. Qawra is also the site with many towers built by Knights of St. John. Qawra Tower is now a restaurant. The city is home to many water sport activities desfasurtate including banana rides and boat pulled by speed boats.



Bugibba [pronounced bu-buh-jibb] is a small town in Malta, situated adjacent to Qawra and is part of St. Paul's Bay local council. With numerous hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs and a casino, is a resort popular with tourists. Until a few years ago, Bugibba and Qawra were a rocky and barren promontory, which were not points of interest. Here is a prehistoric temple, located in a poor state of preservation. This temple is unique in that it was decorated with sculptures of fish (such reliefs are now preserved in the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta).

St. Paul S Bay

St. Paul S Bay

The resort is located in the north-east of the island, 16 km from Valletta. The city's name comes from St. Paul, who is alleged to have shipwrecked on the island on his way from Caesarea to Rome.

St Pauls Bay All Locations

St Pauls Bay All Locations

Saint Paul's Bay (Maltese: San Pawl-Bahar, Italian: Baia di San Paolo) is a town in Malta, located northeast of the island of Malta, and 16 km from the city of Valletta (the capital). Its name refers to the shipwreck of St. Paul, as shown in Acts documents, according to tradition, St Paul shipwrecked on the islands called the Islands of St. Paul, which are located in Gulf St. Paul.

Cities in Malta region

St Julians

St Julians

St. Julian's is a town in Malta situated along the coast, north of the capital, Valletta. It is a city known for tourism-oriented businesses, such as being hotels, restaurants, clubs and bars, centered mainly in the region called Paceville. The city is divided into informal neighborhoods as Paceville, Paceville, Ta 'Giornale, and Tal-Għoqod St. Andrew's and the surrounding religious regions such as St. sons. George's Bay, Spinola Bay, Ball Bay, and Il-Qaliet rocks. St. Julian's is a popular city, especially visited by tourists during the summer months.



IstoriePrimii locuitori ai insulei Malta au venit probabil din Sicilia, în urmă cu 6000-7000 ani, folosind coridorul de pământ existent atunci între Sicilia şi Malta. Coridorul a dispărut în cursul secolelor următoare, ca urmare a topirii succesive a unor părţi din calotele glaciare, respectiv a ridicării nivelului Mării Mediterane. Malta şi Sicilia au devenit în acest fel insule, separate de continentul european.În urmă cu 4000-5000 ani, pe insula Malta şi pe insula învecinată Gozo, au luat naştere primele temple megalitice de cult religios din lume, unele chiar mai vechi decât piramidele din Egipt. Nu se cunoaşte tehnica cioplirii, prelucrării, transportului şi înălţării templelor megalitice. Templele sunt circulare, cu camere în forma de trifoi (cu trei sau cu patru foi), diametre de 20-30 m şi înălţimi de 4-5 m. Construcţia de temple gigantice pe arhipelagul Malta a încetat apoi brusc, din motive necunoscute. Cele mai renumite temple se găsesc la Hagar Qim (Malta), Tarxien (Malta), Mnajdra (Malta) şi Ggantija (Gozo). Din Malta, stilul megalitic s-a răspândit apoi în toată Europa (Grecia, Creta, Sardinia, Corsica, Franţa, Anglia).După alte câteva sute de ani, a avut loc cea de a doua mare etapă de colonizare a arhipelagului Malta cu colonişti veniţi probabil din Italia de sud. Aceştia au refolosit vechile temple, dar nu au mai construit altele. Alte date despre această generaţie de colonişti nu s-au păstrat.Primele date istorice sigure sunt cele din perioada ocupării Maltei de către fenicieni în secolul IX î.C. Circa 300 ani mai târziu (în secolul VI î.C.) insula a intrat în stăpânirea punicilor din Cartagina (Tunisia), urmaşii africani ai fenicienilor. Punicii au rămas domnitori ai insulei până în anul 218 î.C., an în care - în urma celor 3 războaie punice dintre Roma şi Cartagina - romanii au intrat în posesia Maltei şi a insulelor invecinate (Gozo, Comino, Cominotto, Filfla şi St.Paul).După căderea Imperiului Roman, decade şi Malta. S-au păstrat relativ puţine date despre istoria insulei, până la ocuparea ei în anul 870 d.C. de către arabi. Arabii au stăpânit arhipelagul timp de 2 secole, ceea ce şi-a lăsat amprenta mai ales în limbă.În secolele următoare, Malta trece succesiv în posesia a diferite naţiuni din Europa:- normanzii în anul 1090 (sub contele Roger de Hautville);- sicilienii în anul 1194 (prin căsătoria unui membru al familiei germane de Staufer);- francezii în anul 1268 (sub Carol I. Robert de Anjou);- aragonezii în anul 1282, după izgonirea lui Carol I. Robert de Anjou din Sicilia de către Peter von Aragon (episod cunoscut în istorie sub numele de “Vecerniile Siciliene”; Giuseppe Verdi a compus o operă cu acest subiect);- castilienii în anul 1284.În anul 1964 Malta obţine independenţa, rămânând membru al Commonwealth-ului până în anul 1974, an în care se desprinde complet de Anglia. De la 1 mai 2004 Malta este membră a Uniunii Europene. Date geograficeGeografia Maltei este dominată de apă, fiind un arhipelag de insule formate din roci coralifere sedimentate din Marea Mediterană, aflat la aproximativ 93 kilometri sud de Sicilia, Italia, şi aproximativ la 300 km nord de Africa.Doar cele mai mari insule, Malta, Gozo şi Comino sunt locuite. Celelalte insule, care sunt nelocuite şi nelocuibile, sunt: Cominotto, Filfla şi Insula St.Paul. Întreaga ţară insulară este de aproximativ 316 km² ca suprafaţă. Numeroasele neregularităţi ale coastelor insulelor formează golfuri, capuri şi peninsule determinând condiţii naturale propice pentru a crea porturi de calitate. Întregul peisaj al insulelor este caracterizat de coline joase având câmpii terasate. Punctul de altitudine maximă al insulelor, de 253 m, este Ta' Dmejrek pe Insula Malta. Capitala este Valletta.

Cities in Valletta region



Sliema is a town located on the northeast coast of Malta. It is a center for shopping, restaurants and cafes. Sliema is also an important commercial and residential area, where some homes have become the most modern hotels in Malta. Sliema, which means "peace, comfort ', was once a quiet fishing village on the peninsula beyond the port of Valletta Marsamxett.



La Valletta with a population of 9129 inhabitants (1994 census), is the capital of Malta. Valletta is a settlement in the sixteenth century, with many buildings from the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, long the leaders of the city. It is named after its founder, Grandmaster Jean de La Valletta. The Maltese is known as il-Belt colloquial language, meaning "city." The castle was damaged during air raids in World War II.



Floriana, situated near Valleta is, named after the Italian military engineer Pietro Paolo Floriani from Macerata who was responsible for building the town's fortifications.

Cities in Gozo Bay region

Gozo All Locations

Gozo All Locations

Gozo is an island of the Maltese archipelago in the Mediterranean, the second largest after the island of Malta. In Maltese, the island is called Ghawdex (pronounced are-often). 67 kmpatrati Gozo has an area approximately the same as Hong Kong island. 30,000 people living on the island, of which around 6,000 in the capital Rabat, also known as the Victorja. Gozo is situated approximately 6 km west of the junction nearest point of Malta, has an oval shape and is 14 km in length and 7.25 km in width. Gozo Island is the popular name of Calypso, derived from Greek mythology poetry Ogygia "Odyssey" of Homer.