Cârţişoara monastery "The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul" - details and images

Grasping the Transfagarasan up, from Sibiu to Arges after Badea Cartan's village, on the left you see a crucifix, quietly marking a forest road. After 2 km, on a meadow, when the world seems rests Cartisoara Monastery. But only the rest can not be any question here ... Roboteala is on the agenda, because, with superhuman efforts, the church is finished, the fence on the first half, and arhondaricul abbey "in red." However, I never met a more sincere joy of communion, accompanied by the opening to Orthodox spirituality and enthusiasm.

Mother Silouan Priory, a braileanca keen, trained at Great Lavra Oltenian spiritually "In a Wood" shows us the situation monastery: "Monastery Cartisoara loses its origins in the early Middle Ages Romanian. By the year 1400, is registered as a foundation for that direct care of Mircea the Old. It was a part of Fagaras and the hermitage of monks was an outpost of the great offensive against Catholic Orthodoxy in Transylvania. The importance of this monastery, the influence of irradiation of spiritual understood it - the But inside - and Empress Maria Teresa, after the unification act of 1700.

Thus, the 1761 wooden hermitage burned by General von Bukow same, that which destroyed over 250 Orthodox monasteries throughout Transylvania. Forgetfulness is spread over this Prayer hearth until 1991, when the entuzismul to rediscover God, enthusiasm that engulfed all of Romania, the convent was reestablished by direct support of Archbishop Anthony, Metropolitan of Transylvania. Life is back with two monks and nuns in a chapel a few meters square, arranged in a hut of forest workers, a chapel that served occasionally by priests from neighboring villages. " For us, the verdict is more than clear: history was not generous with this facility.

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