Cave Glacier Live Fire - details and images

"Ghetarul Focul Viu" a block of ice hosting the third largest country fossil (after ice and pothole Scărişoara Borţig, also located in the Apuseni Natural Park), with a volume of approximately 25,000 m3. It is a little cave, consisting of two rooms, the first and largest is occupied by the huge block of ice. Its ceiling is broken by a large window through which they fell in logs, leaves and snow outside, forming a large mound. With sufficient light penetrates the cave ceiling to reveal groups of ice stalagmite in the cave opposite effect.

De altfel, în jurul orelor prânzului, razele de soare pătrund prin fereastră creând un decor feeric. Explicaţia existenţei blocului de gheaţă în peşteră este dată de două elemente: fereastra din tavan favorizează acumularea aerului rece, iar lipsa ventilării în peşteră menţine aerul rece captiv tot timpul anului.

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