Church Clock - details and images

The central position of Tulcea Peace Street is St. George Church (Church clock), the registered historical monument of national heritage.

The building is magnificent, built in the shape of the boat and dominating these surroundings of the belfry and clock tower, which by the sound it emits at half-time and fixed, and the bells are inconfudabile. Church clock "was built in 1857 salvation in the time of Ottoman domination, which is why it is not equipped with towers. The Ottomans do not allow Christian churches to exceed the height of their mosques.
Bei church founders are Dumitrache Hagi Valica Stefanoff Teodorof and who are buried in the churchyard.

The church is built in the shape of "Romanian basilica, inside has 12 columns and 12 massive pillars supporting the arches. At the time of Ottoman domination "St. George's Episcopal residence where the pastor was Bishop Gregory, ordained Ecumanica Patriarchate of Constantinople and in the churchyard there residence which was demolished in February 1989 forced the totalitarian regime and a language school Bulgarian building that persist today.

Religious painting was done in oil by the great painter Pavlov. The iconostasis of the church is a monument of art and icons of the 76 are from 1862, part of the national patrimony. There are still all original vault of 22 feet long.

The first repair was done in 1927 when the church was painted. This was washed in 1952.

Capital repair I was made between the years 1981-1983 and 1987-1991 the restaurant picture between the parish priest helped the priest Dumitru Andone Mihalea Niculai Item II. The church was re-blessed by His Eminence Antim Nica Archdiocese of Tomis and the Lower Danube in 1981 after completing repairs and painting was done resfintirea Eminence Archbishop Lucian Florea of Tomis in 1992, October 4.

The church is heated by central heating. Now priests serving the church piety: Andone Dumitru - Parish, Mihalea Neculai Neculai Felix - Lucian - coslujitori

Parish house was built by believers in 1927. Value cards are in the church library and unfortunately there are no old photos.

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