Dambovicioara Gorges - details and images

A 5-km gorge with high cliffs and straight to the side and across the river Dambovicioara are a significant component of the largest complex of gorges in the country (one focused on the Dambovita and its tributaries), which boasts over 20 key with a total length of over 30 km. Deepen Dambovicioara largest tributary stream of the Dambovita River springing from the southern slope of the peak at Om (2230m), generated in the Jurassic limestone of the Rock Mountains a key sector for over 8 km long, with the appearance of a real canyon-cut stack calcareous rocks from the bridge of the massive terminal.

The actual keys Dambovicioarei dug on a length of about 2 km bridge between the limestone depressions and Bridge Dambovicioara Dambovita, is distinguished by a monumental, because vertical walls or even bend over bed, with heights exceeding 200 in some places m. On the walls can be seen Jurassic limestone bedding-shiny gray-white, arranged in banks thick at the bottom, and white limestone (lower cretica), the plates from the top.

Modeling this type of rocks caused in the key area limestone relief, represented by towers, sharp rocks, vertical walls in many places overhang, complemented by a karstic underground, mainly in caves. Thus, Dambovicioarei basin about 50 caves are found, the most important being Dambovicioara, Gorge Mouth Cave, Labyrinth Cave.

Mai in amonte, la confluenta cu Valea Muierii, se taie o cheie ingusta si aproape inaccesibila, in care elementul ce se impune este succesiunea de cascade, dupa care urmeaza un pasaj deosebit, cel numit La Galgoaie, unde apa iese tumulos din pieptul de calcare al unui perete, varsandu-se imediat in Dambovicioara. Dincolo de Galgoaie incep Cheile Brusteretului, un complex carstic mai putin spectaculos, alcatuit din Cheile propriu-zise ale Brusuretului, Cheia Lunga si Cheia Stramta.

Spectaculozitatea sectorului de chei, ingustimea sa in unele portiuni, verticalitatea peretilor, dar si pitorescul cascadelor, repezisurilor sau ineditul unor fenomene precum izvoarele carstice de la Galgoaie fac din Cheile Dambovicioarei una dintre destinatiile predilecte atat ale specialistilor, cat si a celor pasionati de drumetiile montane, mai ales ca zona este destul de accesibila, datorita drumului forestier care urca din comuna Dambovicioara pana la Cabana Brusturet.

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