Ethnography and Folk Art Museum of Tulcea - details and images

The construction is based on a project developed in 1924 and was built in the interwar period (1924-1927), therefore, to end the current era of national expression in architecture in Romania.

The building has a balanced composition and positioning generated at an intersection, and page functionality.
This public building can be considered a managed copy of modern architecture, built on the traditional values that marked the first part of the twentieth century.

Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art Museum reflects the diversity of collections, a unique cultural pattern generated in Dobrogea, the cohabitation of Romanians and other ethnic populations (Macedo, Bulgarians, Turks, Tartars, Russians, Lipovan, Ukrainians, Greeks, etc.).

This property is exploited in Dobrogea Multicultural exhibition that offers visitors cultural identity picture of some of the populations who live with Romanians and ethnic housing phenomenon. The exhibition halls are presented aspects of Romanian traditional house (bed, chest of drawers, bench loom, towels, secular, carpets etc.), Aromanian (home - decorative fabric tent specific), glory (lijanca, iconostasis, samovar, wardrobe), Romanian folk, Macedo, and tatarasc Turkish, Bulgarian, Greek, lipovens. In the last two elements of the interior rooms are the town of Tulcea at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Court museum is an exhibition space in which they are presented in a number of aspects of traditional crafts and occupations: agriculture, viticulture, fishing, beekeeping, pottery, blacksmith shop, carpenter shop master.

As a permanent exhibition: Occupations and Crafts North Dobrogea - allows visitors to experience some of the tools used in the practice of occupations (farming, shepherd, viticulture, pasturage) and crafts (yarn processing, wood, clay) Traditional North Dobrogea.

During the year the museum organizes temporary exhibitions about the season's holidays: Spring Traditions, Easter in the Roman beliefs, Arum richness of autumn, winter habits, etc..

Opening Hours: May-10 to 18 October, from November to April 8-16

Information source