Georgia Aquarium - details and images

Georgia Aquarium, located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is the largest aquarium in the world with over 32 million gallons of seawater and freshwater, hosting more than 120,000 animals of 500 species. Among the important species in Georgia aquarium whale sharks there are 4, 4 and 4 Beluga whales manta rays.

Founded most of a 250 million dollar donation from Bernie Marcus, the aquarium was built on an area of 81.00 square meters in the north of the Olympic Centenary Park in central Atlanta.

In June 2008, the aquarium announced the opening of the "Swim with the gentle giants." It allows practitioners divers or snorkeling with whale sharks swim.
Aquatic animals are presented in five different exhibitions, Georgia Explorer, Tropical Diver, Ocean Voyager, Cold Water Quest, and River Scout, each coresponzand a specific environment. Opened in 2009 and Titanic Aquatic Exhibition offers a perspective on Titanic.

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