Monoliths in Carnac - details and images

The French Brittany, at Carnac and the recent settlement of Montneuf found, combinations of hundreds of menhirs are arranged in parallel rows, oriented east-west axis mystical. Stone is used in a magic structure, obviously built in the context of a cosmic religion.

The stones were erected during the Neolithic, probably around 3300 BC, but some can be dated as 4500 BC ancient
Consists of more than 3,000 prefabricated assembly of Carnac stretches 12 km along the west coast of France and is the largest collection of its kind in the world.

Local tradition says the reason for staying in such perfectly straight lines is that it is actually a converted stone Romanian Legion of Merlin and Saint Cornelius.
There are three major groups of stone rows - Ménec, Kermario and Kerlescan - which may have formed in the past one group, but were later divided and distributed for other purposes.

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