Oil Museum of Ploiesti - details and images

Oil Museum is hosted by a beautiful building that has allowed the arrangement of rooms and a courtyard that was transformed into an outdoor exhibition. Heritage Museum has grown from 800 pieces in 1961 to over 8,000 in 1994. It is the only museum of its kind in Romania, since its establishment in Ploiesti city status is a recognition of the petroleum industry in our country.

Can be seen in museum exhibits and documentary than historical interest:

- A hecna (as a big bucket) driven by horses;
- Boring machine model first used in Romania;
- Model "gas factory" in 1856 from barrier Rafov Mehedinţeanu brothers;
- Tools and miner's lamps in the nineteenth century;
- Oil lamps from Bucharest - the first city in the world oil light in 1859;
- Drilling in wood or metal in the nineteenth century;
- Exemplifying panels selective solvent system of sulfur dioxide, invented Edeleanu Lazarus, and applied throughout the world;
- History of the manufacture of paraffin, oil, gasoline;
- Geological mapping, mineralogical samples, certificates, medals, photographs being of persons in the field: Gregoriu Stefanescu, Grigore Cobalcescu Louis Mrazec Valeriu Patriciu, Ion Tanasescu, Virgil Tacit, Ion Basgan Andrei DRAGULANESCU Lazar Edeleanu, Nicholas Debi. "

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