Red Fort - details and images

Red Fort, so called because of red stone blocks from which the building was built during Emperor Shah Jahan management, with high walls, pierced by successive rows downward battlements and narrow, with a channel surrounding the fort for defense. Special architectural structures, with very practical role, the water pipe using the principle comuniciante vessels and air conditioning to wall dublii are distributed practically well balanced, so wearing, some beautiful indoor gardens, cared for and now as then, very carefully.

Great leaders and moguls have resided in Delhi (1763-1858). Almost two centuries, India was under British occupation (1763-1947). Under the British, the Red Fort was partially demolished.

The fort, built of red stone, marble and mosaic, was the seat of kings and emperors. Queens had a separate palace (Mahal Khasi). No mosques were missing from the fort.

Admire the marble laced with wonder, mosaics private audience hall and the pompous peacock throne, valued at 60 million dollars. Diamonds and precious stones that adorned it were plundered by the British after the defeat of the Indian rebellion of 1857.

The largest and most valuable of diamonds is the most valuable in the world and was sent to London where the queen's crown adorns today. Also found inside the Fort and a white marble hall for special audiences, and the mosque is located near reefs.

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