Soimilor Rock Nature Reserve - details and images

In the immediate vicinity of Tusnad city, an area of only 1.5 ha area is Natural Stone Falcons. This botanical is situated entirely at the southern end of the chain neoeruptiv Harghita having a maximum altitude of 824 m. The limits are outlined as follows: to the east of the forest road, south of the creek Raven and west and north of mixed evergreen and deciduous forest . Raven Brook intersection with forest road is also the starting point for Stone Falcons thematic route, the route marked with a red triangle painted on trees at about head level, and to be followed without any deviation to arrive safely at Stone Falcons. This sign is valid for both ascending and descending. However, this red triangle does not tell us something very important: use strict coils. Sometimes we think that if we cut the curve, and we climb as we could save time and energy, but this is risky because it can dislodge rocks which in turn may endanger the physical integrity of those left behind. On shortcuts trodden drain rain water and thus can become steeper slope and more dangerous. It is therefore important to follow the trail of responsibility for our trip to be enjoyable.

Due to their geographical position and topography, climatic parameters that lead to inclusion of reserves in the undergrowth of medium mountain climate (the characteristics topoclimatic continental). Intra-mountain basin closed aspect makes cold air mass to stagnate over the lower areas, which determines the mass of warmer air to rise above the cold. This phenomenon is called temperature inversion and results in higher temperatures on the peaks than valleys. The lowest temperature values were recorded in the lowlands of the basin and not the peaks. Thus, according to them, we can draw some coordinates climate: mean annual temperature values are about. 4-6 ° C, average temperatures decade - about values. 12-14 ° C in summer and approx. -6 And -8 ° C in winter, reaching extremes of 25 ° C in summer, winter -25 ° C respectively. Presents annual average rainfall of about values. 800-900 mm / year. Snow takes about 100 days, but in shaded areas where the period is much higher.

Falcons Stone's vegetation consists of plant species characteristic of dry and rocky habitats, for example: eagle Teleki (Hieracium telekianum), which is a local endemism, eagles onaltă (Hieracium piloselloides) earwig (Jovibarba hirta), high şoaldina (Sedum maximum) , şoaldina Sour (Sedum acre), borşişorul (Sempervivum marmoreum) Pojarnia perforated (Hypericum perforatum), block mountain (Cytisus hirsutus). During the summer months along the fresh water flow of the two streams (Crow and minerals) can be seen lettuce sheep (Telekia speciosa), which can sometimes reach 2 m height. The overall picture of the flora in the reserve has a characteristic appearance (inverse stratification) due to climatic inversion temperature (see climatic characteristics). Tusnad around town, at an altitude of 650 m can be seen conifers adapted to cold climates and above, to Stone Falcons, at an altitude of 800 m, deciduous species adapted to higher temperatures. Falcons stone is surrounded by evergreen and deciduous forests consisting of various species of which can be mentioned: hazel (Corylus avellana), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), beech (Fagus sylvatica), mountain maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), quaking aspen (Populus tremula), oak (Quercus robur), birch (Betula pendula), mountain elm (Ulmus glabra), spruce (Picea abies), silver fir (Abies alba) and pine forest (Pinus sylvestris).
Species of butterflies that can be most often seen in the reserve are limited:-red admiral butterfly (Vanessa Atalanta), Polygon c-album-the-cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae), Nymphalis urticae, bounded high forest (Argynnis Paphos) , peacock eye of the day (Inachis him), Aphantopus hyperantus. After wet periods, the creek bank and amphibians appear Raven (Amphibia), such as bittern, marsh yellow-bellied (Bombina variegata) and near-shore vegetation and dense undergrowth can see a wide variety of insects (Insecta) : Dragonfly (Calopteryx virgo), spread manure (Geotrupes stercorarius), red forest ant (Formica rufa), wasp-ant (Mutilla europaea), ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata), Forest bug (Pentatoma rufipes) or scorpion fly (Panorpa communis) . The forest provides shelter for many songbirds and prey: the Brădet titmouse (Periparus ater), the crested titmouse (Lophophanes cristatus), insect (Nucifraga caryocatactes) huhurezul high (Strix uralensis), Buha (Carbuncle Carbuncle) scorţarul (Sitta europaea) , Great Spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), pănţăruşul (troglodytes troglodytes) or blue titmouse (Cyanistes caeruleus) on Stone Falcons were noticed among birds that nest in the forest and diurnal birds of prey. Most commonly seen is the common buzzard (Buteo buteo), but can still be seen and sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) pigeon hawk (Accipiter gentilis) Lesser Spotted Eagle, and sometimes (Aquila pomarina). Mammals that live in the forests surrounding the stone Falcons are: red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), great sides (Glis Glis), hedgehogs (Erinaceus roumanicus), deer (Capreolus capreolus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), mouse eared bat (Myotis myotis) , wild cat (Felis silvestris), badger (Meles Meles), weasel (Mustela nivalis), fox (Vulpes vulpes), brown bear (Ursus arctos), lynx (Lynxlynx) or wolf (Canis lupus).

Thematic routes - Tusnad (656 m) - Lake Ciucaş (600 m) - Stone Falcons (824 m)

Marking: red triangle. Duration: 1-2 hours. Distance: 2.5 km. Level difference: 189 m.
Medium difficulty trail, winter tourists recommended only well equipped and trained.

Information source