Trajan's Bridge - details and images

Trajan's Bridge was a bridge built by Apollodorus of Damascus, the architect Column, between spring 103 and spring 105 [1] on the Lower Danube, east of the Iron Gates, near the city of Drobeta-Turnu Severin.

Tabula Traiana opponent is a monument of King Decebal Traian Roman emperor to mark the triumphal march of troops to the imperial Roman Dacia Roman Empire to commemorate victories over the Dacian kingdom in 105.

The monument is almost 2,000 years, the exit of Small boilers, but the Serbian shore, not far from the Statue of Decebal.

Ten taboos have been carved into canyon, just Tabula Traiana is more conservative, four are preserved in drawings and prints, the rest being destroyed.
Tabula has a length of 4 m and 1.75 m inaltime.Este fixed in stone and on it are represented two dolphins and an eagle hovering in the sky. Figurines and ornaments are carved in relief, and the writing is carved in stone.

Tabula suffered from natural weathering. Rock that is set high above the water was once the Iron Gates dam construction is visible on 1.Obiectivul Romanian bank.

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