Historic Buildings in Tuscany Region - landmarks

Offers Tuscany Region, Offers Italia

List of interesting landmarks in Tuscany Region

Giotto's Tower - Florence

Giotto's Tower - Florence

Tuscany Region, ItalyGiotto's Tower - the Campanile di Giotto is adjacent to the Duomo in Florence, is only a few feet lower than this - 85 feet tall. At the top of the tower is reached by climbing the 414 steps, but worth the effort, since the top have panoramic views of the entire city.

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Palazzo Vecchio

Palazzo Vecchio

Tuscany Region, ItalyPalazzo Vecchio is the old town hall of Florence. At the entrance there is a copy of Michelangelo's statue of David belonging. Inside you can admire the Palazzo Vecchio collection of sculptures and Renaissance paintings, a series of wall paintings made by Giorgio Vasari.

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Palazzo Publicco - Tore del Mangia

Palazzo Publicco - Tore Del Mangia

Tuscany Region, ItalyThe famous Torre del Mangia and the Palazzo Pubblico form one of the sides of Piazza del Campo.

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