Museums in London region - landmarks

Offers London region, Offers Marea Britanie

List of interesting landmarks in London region

British Museum

British Museum

London region, United KingdomBritish Museum is one of the oldest and most important museums in the world, holding statues of pharaohs, gods of Ancient Egypt, mummies, mummified cats (considered deities), Egyptian mummies of priests, mummies of noblemen, princes and princesses.

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National Gallery

National Gallery

London region, United KingdomNational Gallery hosted by London, is an institution of art and, especially, the culture born from the desire to give everyone - not just connoisseurs of art - the possibility of combining beauty with usefulness and need for spiritual growth. No chance, right from its inception (1838), and access was free. Listen Read phonetically Dictionary - View detailed dictionary

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Madame Tussauds Museum

Madame Tussauds Museum

London region, United KingdomTourists who choose to visit the tourist must be prepared to give vent to emotions and be ready to enter the world of celebrities and famous characters. Fame and greatness can be felt in the live section Blush, fear in the Chamber of Horrors and maximum fun moments can be lived in the Planetarium.

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