Resorts and cities in Hawaii region

Although scientists can not specify when the first Polynesian to set foot on land south-east of the island of Oahu, known today as Honolulu, oral stories and artifacts suggest that a settlement existed here since the twelfth century.
Honolulu means "protected bay", words that describe the calm deep water port. British Captain James Cook who discovered Hawaii on behalf of the Western world in 1778, he sailed around the island at night, missing the bay and tiny fishing villages along.

Resorts and cities in Hawaii where you can find offers in our portal.

HawaiiLandmarks in Hawaii region Offers Hawaii

Hawaii Honolulu Oahu Hi

Hawaii Honolulu Oahu Hi

Although scientists can not specify when the first Polynesian to set foot on land south-east of the island of Oahu, known today as Honolulu, oral stories and artifacts suggest that a settlement existed here since the twelfth century. Honolulu means "protected bay", words that describe the calm deep water port. British Captain James Cook who discovered Hawaii on behalf of the Western world in 1778, he sailed around the island at night, missing the bay and tiny fishing villages along.

Hawaii Big Island

Hawaii Big Island

Big Island of Hawaii is absolutely spectacular in terms of nature. Here you will find everything - threatening volcanoes and sparkling waterfalls, black lava deserts and snowy mountain peaks, tropical forests and alpine meadows, a glacial lake and miles of sandy beaches with black, gold and even green. This island has a unique diversity of terrain and climate. A 80km road will take you from snowy winter to spring or fall weather. A part of the island is black as coal, and the other is full of lush green vegeatie.

Hawaii Maui All Locations Hi

Hawaii Maui All Locations Hi

Called "Valley Isle" because of the narrow valley between Haleakala and West Maui Mountains, Maui Island is just a small dot in the Pacific Ocean, but is a place that offers visitors unforgettable experiences - including colonies floating in weightlessness, tropical fish, panoramic views from a height of 3,000 m of a volcano and the sound of rain drops on the leaves of bamboo.