Resorts and cities in Ireland

Resorts and cities in Ireland where you can find offers in our portal.

Cities in Dublin Region region



The Irish are of Celtic origin, with a minority of Anglo-Saxon descent. Ireland has been inhabited since around 6000 BC The people of Middle Stone Age culture. After 4,000 years, tribes from Southern Europe arrived and setting a high Neolithic culture. The representative of Neolithic sites in Ireland are the megalithic tombs at Newgrange and Knowth in County Meath. Both were built around 3200 BC and is older than Stonehenge in England and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Pagan idols were found belonging to the Iron Age Celts build the Boa Island, County Fermanagh, in the form of the mysterious Janus.

Cities in County Cork region



After being elected the European Cultural Capital in 2005, this city has become even more known than before, although Cork has always been one of the most visited destinations in Ireland, surpassed only by Dublin. It is an elegant and orderly city in terms of architecture, offering not only calm the past, but also many historical buildings, excellent restaurants, bars and restaurants varied and lively. In the summer there are organized many festivals. The streets are always clean, the locals are friendly and welcoming and in stores you can find just about anything.