Monasteries in Moldavia - landmarks

Offers Moldavia, Offers Romania

List of interesting landmarks in Moldavia

Galata Monastery - Iasi

Galata Monastery - Iasi

Moldavia, RomaniaGalata Monastery is located on the hill 400 years Miroslava can be easily observed from different locations of Iasi. Monastery church is dedicated to "Resurrection", was consecrated in 1584.

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Cetatuia Monastery - Iasi

Cetatuia Monastery - Iasi

Moldavia, RomaniaThe monastery is a fortress built by Gheorghe Duca, Ruler, dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and built between 1669-1672.

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Durau Monastery

Durau Monastery

Moldavia, RomaniaDurau Monastery is located in the spa and climatic Durau Ceahlau in the eastern mountains at a distance of 5 km from Duruitoarea waterfall, from which, according to tradition, they would be named.

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Frumoasa Monastery - Iasi

Frumoasa Monastery - Iasi

Moldavia, RomaniaAs it appears to us today, convent and other buildings of the complex beauty of this architecture are the result of work that began four centuries ago and suffered, in the next epoch, the radical transformations. These places have made history during the second reign of Peter Schiopul and founder of the first church of Nice (1583) was Melinte Balica, noble princes who held high in Moldova sofa.

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Golia Monastery - Iasi

Golia Monastery - Iasi

Moldavia, RomaniaHidden in thick and high walls, doors locked like a fortress, the church bright and richly endowed "combine" three kinds of crafts: lesesc, Greek and moschicesc "as seen from the description made in 1711 by Peter the Great of Russia. The "moschicesc" is represented by the features of Russian architecture, the "Greek" the Byzantine features, and the "lesesc" represents the Baroque revival, then spread, as in most of the countries of central Europe, where craftsmen brought Vasile Lupu.

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